Elvenar Woodelves – Day 09 [29%]

So, we’re in day 9 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 08). My troops domination of this tournament continues. They have won a huge amount of KPs today, and the march continues on! Will they become an unstoppable force? Would I be able to avoid bribing my way through…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 08 [24%]

So, we’re in day 8 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 07). Today was a first day of the steel tournament. And it was also the first day of any tournament where I had L25 barracks. Well, I thought it will be glorious, but I was not prepared to…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 07 [21%]

So, we’re in day 7 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 06). Wow, hold on a second - what's the deal with a zillion of L1 workshops that showed up in my city overnight? Am I modeling a sweatshop now? Well, sort of ;) So why exactly is all…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 06 [20%]

So, we’re in day 6 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 05). Today I have sniped another important research - workshop upgrades. And now we're running multiple workshop upgrades in the city! But will we have enough supplies to activate research, upgrade workshops, produce orcs and build troops at…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 05 [15%]

So, we’re in day 5 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 04). Let's just say that that today was the most exciting day in this chapter so far. The reason? Barracks upgrade. So how did it go? Well, find out below ;) City changes I have constructed all 13…