Chapter 16 – whaaat, again?! Yep, let’s continue previewing Elvenar Embassies chapter. You may want to start with out Research Preview, but today we will be talking about guest race production setup. So let’s take a look at what is known so far – of course, anything you find here is subject to change. So without further ado, let’s preview settlement production in Elvenar Chapter 16 – Embassies.
SPOILER ALERT! Now, if the intro above didn’t get the message across 😉 The following post is a one giant spoiler for the upcoming chapter. So if you don’t want to spoil this until it hits actual beta or live servers, you should stop reading just about now. You have been warned!
Table of Contents
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Production Cycle

So here is how guest race production setup looks like:

Complicated, isn’t it? Well, not much more so than most of the recent chapters. Youe probably just haven’t seen similar diagrams for those 😉 So let’s unpack some of that, shall we?
As you may have figured out already from the research tree, there are several buildings involved in guest race production.These are Senate, Dwarven Embassy, Fairy Embassy, Beer Festival, Tea House and Meditation Circle (gray in the diagram). Statutes are a single capped portal resource (orange in the diagram), while yellow items are intermediate guest race resources (uncapped). Blue items are production functions of particular buildings. And finally, green items are basic resources that are used as inputs into this whole production engine. As you can see, we will only need coins, supplies, mana and orcs for that. No goods or seeds are involved here.
New portal for chapter 16 is called Senate. This is a production building, and it uses slot production setup similar to Constructs portal, or something like Barracks. Here is some information on leveling up the Senate – dimensions, Statutes cap, production multiplier and construction / upgrade costs:
Remember, we have 4 research items to unlock to get every level here, so it might take a while to get to L4. Apart from that, this doesn’t look too bad. 8×8 is sizable, but not unusual for later chapters. Production multiplier per level is standard (this is boosting Senate’s own production, not impact of portal on other buildings). Construction costs are downright pedestrian – only coins and supplies, and these go up to barely ~50% of the Main Hall cap. As usual, you need to connect portal to the Main Hall – I assume regular road connection will do fine.
So here is how base production looks like (e.g. L1, no boosts):

So we’re looking at pretty short production cycles – from 3h up to 7.5h only (3 slots x 1h and up to 5 slots x 1.5h). You might be losing production on reloading…
Dwarven and Fairy Embassies
Two intermediate production buildings are Dwarven and Fairy Embassies, and they look very similar, so it makes sense to look at these together.
So these are fairly sizable, at 60 squares each (one is 10×6, another is 6×10). Ouch. Again, we have 4 research items to unlock to get every level here, so it also might take a while to get to L4. Construction costs don’t look too bad for end-game players – not a huge amounts of sentients, and such players should probably have a decent stash of regular goods. L1 construction costs for Fairy Embassy looks weird (as in not symmetrical with the rest of construction costs). It is possible that this is a bug, and gum/planks are supposed to be ink/scrolls there as well. Both embassies need to be directly connected to the Senate. Not unusual.
So here is how production looks like at L4 (with no other boosts). I’ll explain why in this case we’re looking at L4 and not the base:
Alright, so these look somewhat different from the usual setup. Both embassies run common manual production set, making Propositions of their own kind. However, there are different recipes that allow to convert different inputs into Propositions, and these are unlocked as you upgrade the embassies.
E.g. at L1 you can only run 3h productions that would convert Draft Laws into Propositions. At L2 you can still run these 3h productions (which will be upgraded with 1.5x multiplier), but you also would be able to convert smaller amounts of Draft Laws into bigger amounts of Propositions if you add some Beer or Tea to the mix, and run it over 7h. And so on, when at L4 you have all 4 recipes of producing Propositions (hence why I put data table above for L4).
This may make for some interesting choices with respect to which productions you will want to focus on.
Apart from different outputs, and switching up Tea for Beer, both embassies are very symmetrical production-wise. All the numbers are exactly the same.
Production cycles are still relatively short, but here we can go up to 9h productions – assuming this is the recipe that you want (and you’ve got it up to L3). Otherwise, you may get stuck with 3h productions. Again, you might be losing production on reloading…
Beer Festival and Tea House
Two basic production buildings are Beer Festival and Tea House, and they also look very similar, so it makes sense to look at these together.
These are relatively small, at 18 squares each (one is 3×6, another is 6×3). But then again, these are the ones you will likely want to have several each. This time, we only have a single research for each, so I assume that all 4 levels will be available right away. Construction costs look pretty cheap again (who am I to complain about that ;)). You’ll need to connect Beer Festival to Dwarven Embassy or to another connected Beer Festival. You’ll need to connect Tea House to Fairy Embassy or to another connected Tea House.
So here is how production looks like at L4 (with no other boosts). I’ll explain why in this case we’re looking at L4 and not the base:
Alright, so these look similar to embassies, except quite a bit simpler. Both facilities run common manual production set, making Beer from orcs, and Tea from mana. There are different recipes that you can unlock as you upgrade the buildings, but the inputs and outputs do not change. Only production times change, and time efficiency. Input efficiency remains the same, but longer production runs produce less per unit of time. This is not unusual setup.
And there are only 3 recipes – 3h, 7h and 21h productions. L4 doesn’t add new recipes, only boosts all 3 existing ones with a usual multiplier.
Finally, people who log in relatively infrequently can breath in a bit. Production cycles go up to 21h at L3 and L4, so if you only play once a day, these would work fine. These are not that good as multiple 3h runs, but much – much! – better for you comparing to Senate and Embassies where you potentially can only load up 3h to 7h worth of production a day.
Meditation Circle
The final basic production buildings is Meditation Circle:
These are small 4x4s. But then again, you may likely want to have several each. There are 2 techs for Meditation Circle, so I assume L1+L2 and L3+L4. Construction costs look very cheap again. You’ll need to connect Meditation Circle to the Senate or to another connected Meditation Circle.
So here is how production looks like at L1 (with no other boosts):
These producers are extremely simple, and most similar to coins production in residences. There are no inputs, there is no manual reload. These produce automatically on 9h cycles, and you can reset it by collecting early at 3h or more.
So again, you would want to login at least twice a day not to miss a lot on production. Ideally, 3 times a day. The good news is, if you can hit that frequency you will be able to run these with zero downtime due to early collect feature.
So this is it for now. Let me know what you think about this preview of Elvenar Embassies guest race production in the comments below. Certainly let me know if there are other things that you know about the chapter. I may make another post about upgrades that are coming up.
Stay tuned! 😉
Thanks for this preview 🙂
Would be nice if you add an example of guest settlement layout (with the number of buildiungs you think would lead to a balanced and optimal production of each guest good)
Keep on the good job !
Thanks so much for this.
Is it possible to play through using only portal profits?
No. There is a ton of intermediate production required in research, all the way till the end. You can only fill statutes using Portal Profits, everything else will need to be produced.
You will only need ~1000% of PPs to cover all the statutes for the chapter.
hello, if i make enough amendments for all chapter till end, can i delete embassies and leave only portal and still to have them in the portal.
Yes, you can certainly get rid of the embassies and tea/beer producers in this case. Just make sure you have calculated it correctly, as otherwise you’ll have to rebuild these facilities (which is not that big of a deal TBH – these are pretty cheap).
Also, there will be quests towards the end that need tea/beer, so if you want to complete these you will want to keep these (and embassies) for long – or rebuild them when needed.
need a layout