So, we’re in day 26 of Elvenar Orcs chapter. As all planned upgrades for the Orcs settlement are done, I am going back to upgrading residences and climbing out of the negative population that I’ve been running for quite a while. All 3 builders are currently occupied on res upgrades. For the first time in a while I am running low on coins (residence L20/L21 upgrades are worth about 500K). That’s primarily because I am trying to be cute with timing of collecting the neighborhood coins around 3 hour quest cycles. I don’t really run low on coins (there is also a ton of coin instants that I don’t use).
After I finish these 3 upgrades, my city will be only at -120 pop. Almost there!
![Orcs - Day 26 [68%]](
Research-wise, filling in Elvenar Orcs T3 upgrades – gems and dust are filled in, elixir still left. Today was a 5* tournament day, which means there was quite a haul of KPs that had to be dumped. That’s where T3 upgrades come in. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for KP, as I should be picking up 2* provinces 13-20 that I banked. More on my tournament set up in a separate post, stay tuned!
![Orcs - Day 26 [68%]](