Progress upgates

Elvenar Woodelves – Day 11 [36%]

So, we’re in day 11 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 10). Today was a final day of the steel tournament. And grand finale it was! But in the meantime, have I made a mistake that will haunt me later on? Can I recover from that? We will see...


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 10 [33%]

So, we’re in day 10 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 09). As expected, we didn't get a lot of KPs today from the tournament. But our research still jumped ahead quite a bit! So what happened? Did we get help from mysterious sources? Sounds like some magic was…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 09 [29%]

So, we’re in day 9 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 08). My troops domination of this tournament continues. They have won a huge amount of KPs today, and the march continues on! Will they become an unstoppable force? Would I be able to avoid bribing my way through…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 08 [24%]

So, we’re in day 8 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 07). Today was a first day of the steel tournament. And it was also the first day of any tournament where I had L25 barracks. Well, I thought it will be glorious, but I was not prepared to…


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 07 [21%]

So, we’re in day 7 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 06). Wow, hold on a second - what's the deal with a zillion of L1 workshops that showed up in my city overnight? Am I modeling a sweatshop now? Well, sort of ;) So why exactly is all…