Progress upgates

Elvenar Woodelves – Day 26 [79%]

So, we’re in day 26 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 25). So we've been trying to win the race against tech lock, and it seems that we have lost. Have we? Perhaps we can still win just a few hours - is that possible? But would that even make a difference?..


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 25 [77%]

So, we’re in day 25 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 24). We're entering the final phase of the chapter where we race against the clock, or should I say against the tech lock ;) We're barely beating it for now, but the last tournament day delivered so many KPs that we may still have to resort to the ultimate weapon. But we're still fighting a good fight - for now ;)


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 24 [71%]

So, we’re in day 24 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 23). Relatively quiet day today, still monitoring the chapter progress. But a regular tournament day turned somewhat surprising. Are the Elder Treants just that good? Or am I just buying my way through the tournament a bit more than usual? ;)


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 23 [69%]

So, we’re in day 23 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 22). Construction of Woodelves settlement is finished - at least for now. Wohoo! We're producing at target speed, but are still slightly behind schedule on Forest Fabrication productions. I might have a way to deal with this that doesn't involve Portal Profits...


Elvenar Woodelves – Day 22 [65%]

So, we’re in day 21 of Elvenar Woodelves chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Woodelves – Day 20). We're getting close to finishing construction of Woodelves settlement according to our plan. And then there will be production phase. But will we have enough time to ramp up production fast enough to avoid using portal profits? This is going to be close, very close...