Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons – Day 18 [55%]

So, we're in day 18 of Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons - Day 17). Today was our lucky day - for a change. We have acquired something that we've been waiting for, patiently, for quite some time. And we've almost missed it!


Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons – Day 17 [53%]

So, we're in day 17 of Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons - Day 16). Today we have crossed half way mark in the chapter progress. And we're going right according to the plan. And right according to the plan we're late with our production - by about 2 weeks...


Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons – Day 15 [45%]

So, we're in day 15 of Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons - Day 14). Today, we cut down a whole bunch of Weeping Willows. And it seems that we've got some kind of bird infestation instead. Wait, whaat? Yep. And they threaten to set our whole city on fire!..


Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons – Day 14 [43%]

So, we're in day 14 of Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons chapter (see previous day at Elvenar Sorcerers & Dragons - Day 13). Today we were working on increasing our training size for troops production. But our ever-growing stash of mana concerns me. On one hand, it is a nice problem to have, but on the other hand we're losing a ton to daily mana decay, and this mana can be better used elsewhere. Can it?..